• 300-PCOV Door Closer, Multi Size 3 - 6, Surface Mount

*Actual product and finish may vary

300PCOV 3-6 Cal-Royal Door Closer Grade 1, Non-sized, fully adjustable 3 through 6, (Barrier Free ADA). Full cover. For 85-260 lbs door weight.

Can Be Used to Retrofit Norton 1600 ( Sizes 1, 2, or 3) and Yale 50 (Sizes 1, 2, or 3)

Lifetime Warranty

Adjustable size 3-6door weights 85-260 lbs (Full Cover)

Standard full plastic cover (2 5/8” W x 3” H x 10 1/8 ” L) COV/400

Reinforced Adjustable Tube Arm

Finishes available: Alum, Dark Bronze (Duro), Gold and US3

PLATED FINISH US3 (Includes: Plastic cover, full arm, screws and parallel bracket)

Comparison Chart

CAL-ROYAL -  300

DORMA - 640/7300/7400

HAGER - 5300

LCN - 1070/1370

NORTON - 1600

PARKER - 900

SARGENT - 1130

YALE - 50

The data on this represents our judgement of which are most similar. Since no product is exactly alike the information has been obtained from trade sources, it is not guaranteed nor represented that any specific product exactly equals any other product.


Factory tested to meet or exceed ANSI Standard 156.4. Grade 1

300 PCOV: Non-sized, fully adjustable 3 through 6, (Barrier Free ADA) exterior doors. Full cover. For 85-260 lbs door weight.

300 PBFCOV: Non-sized, fully adjustable 1 through 4, (Barrier Free ADA) interior doors. Full cover. For 30-185 lbs door weight

Hydraulic door close r with standard adjustable backcheck valve.

Universal Mounting - standard size #4 Mounting Holes. (9 1/16”)

Dual valve, closing and latching speed controlled by two separate regulating valves.

Universal application, non handed, designed for all standard installations. Reinforced type adjustable tube arm.

Rack and pinion operation contained in a high tensile precision cast with needle bearing aluminum housing for the highest quality.

High quality hydraulic fluid for high lubricity and constant lubrication.

The streamlined design permits installation on most commercial and residential applications without adapters.

Power adjustment bracket on regular arms. (15% adjustment, ±71/2%)


Meets and Exceeds ANSI Standard 156.4 GRADE 1

Universal Hole Pattern Offering Versatility and Precision Engineering for New and Retrofit Market

Multi Size Adjustable Commercial Door Closer Sizes 1 Thru 4 and 3 Thru 6

Meeting Barrier Free Applications

Hydraulic Door Closer with Standard Back Check

Full Plastic Cover is Standard Feature

Optional Adjustable Delayed Action For Handicapped or Elderly

Full Cover Multi-size

Full Feature Closer

ANSI 156.4 Grade 1

UL Listed, Conforms to Standards

UL10C and UBC7-2-1997



UL Listed, Conforms to Standards

UL10C and UBC-7-2-1997

Optional Accessories:

301/302 (Hold open arm & parallel bracket)

704 (Flat drop bracket)

904 (Parallel arm drop bracket for non-hold open parallel arm applications to clear a surface-applied stop/holder)

905 (Parallel arm bracket)

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300-PCOV Door Closer, Multi Size 3 - 6, Surface Mount

  • $73.50

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