*Actual product and finish may vary
35A-NL Von Duprin rim exit device with night latch (Key Retracts Latchbolt) for all types of single and double doors with mullion
35A fits door stiles as narrow as 1 3/4" (44mm). Newly designed device has a one piece center case cover.
Specify handing.
386NL standard trim - Less Rim cylinder and keys
UL listed for Panic Exit Hardware.
Devices are ANSI A156.3, - 2001 Grade 1
The 35A has a smooth mechanism case. The rim device is non-handed except when the SS (Signal Switch) option is used.
Features and Benefits
35A Series features smooth mechanism case
Deadlocking latchbolt prevents forced latchbolt retraction providing higher security for your openings
A fluid dampener decelerates the pushpad on its return stroke and
eliminates most noise associated with exit device operations. Furnished
on all 33A/35A series exit devices
Device Lengths: 3’ 2’4" to 3’ (711mm to 914 mm) door size; 4’ 2’10" to 4’ (864 mm to 1219 mm) door size
Strikes: 1439 – Dull Black
Dogging Feature: Hex key dogging standard
Dogging Options: CD Cylinder Dogging; LD Less Dogging
Electric Options: LX Latchbolt Monitor Switch; RX Pushpad Monitor Switch; RX2 Double Pushpad Monitor Switch; SS Signal Switch; EL Electric Latch Retraction; ALK Alarm Exit Kit
Miscellaneous Options: PN Pneumatic Latch Retraction; GBK Glass Bead Kit
Fasteners & Includes Sex Bolts (SNB): 1 3/4" (44mm) – 2 ¹|4" (57mm) Wood & Metal Doors; #425 SNB furnished standard for end case; #325 SNB furnished standard for EO (exit only device)
Latch Bolt: Deadlocking, 3/4" (19mm) throw
Device Centerline from Finished Floor: 39 13/16" (1011 mm); 39 11/16" (1008 mm) with Mullion
Center Case Dimensions: 8 3/16" x 2 13/32" x 1 9|16" (208mm x 62mm x 40mm)
Mechanism Case Dimensions: 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" (57mm x 57mm)
Projection: Pushbar Neutral – 3 13/16" (97 mm); Pushbar Depressed – 3 1/16" (78 mm)
Options – see catalog for more details
Alarm Kit – ALK The ALK battery alarm kit is a simple yet effective way to deter unauthorized use of an opening.
Request to Exit — RX The RX (Request to Exit) feature is used to signal the use of an opening.
Latch Bolt Monitoring — LX The LX feature is used to signal the use of an opening.
Electric Latch Retraction — EL The EL feature allows for the remote unlatching of exit devices.
Signal Switch — SS Monitors pushpad and latch bolt.
Accessories – see catalog for more details
Electrical Power Transfer –– EPT Pneumatic Transfer – PNT Electric Power Transfer provides a means of transferring electrical power from a door frame to the edge of a swinging door.
Pneumatic Controlled Exit Devices–PN The PN feature provides remote latch bolt retraction in hazardous areas where electrically operated devices would not be permitted.
Less Dogging – LD Less Dogging is available in all 33A/35A Panic Exit devices to remove the dogging option.
Cylinder Dogging — CD Cylinder dogging is available on all 33A/35A Panic Exit devices to replace the standard hex key dogging.
Cylinder Dogging Kit — CDK For field conversion, a cylinder dogging conversion kit is available. Cannot be added to fire exit hardware.
Hex Key Dogging Kit — HDK For field conversion, a hex key dogging conversion kit is available. Cannot be added to fire exit hardware.
Dummy Pushpad The 330 dummy pushpad is designed as a companion unit for all 33A devices.
Vertical Rod and Latch Guard — RG-27 Series RG-27 Vertical Rod and Latch Guards protect the bottom rods of exit devices from the damaging impacts of carts or gurneys passing through doors.
Less Bottom Rod – LBR LBR option is available, using a spring loaded auxiliary latch bolt installed in the lower door edge.
Pullman Latch – PL When PL is specified the standard latches are replaced with pullman style latches.
Glass Bead Kit – GBK Glass bead conversion kits are available for all 33A/35A Series devices for use on doors with raised glass beads.
Antimicrobial Coatings for Exit Hardware Hospitals, schools and food service facilities experience high traffic every day, even in areas that aren’t open to the public. Von Duprin can help you combat bacteria on panic and exit hardware with an antimicrobial coating that provides lasting protection.
Chexit® Delayed Egress Chexit controlled exit device is for use on panic or fire exit hardware applications. Designed for use on delayed exit applications, the Chexit system is ideal for highly controlled areas such as computer rooms, research and development labs, etc.
Quiet Electrified Latch (QEL) Exit Device The QEL option provides electronic control of an exit device and is ideally suited for environments where limited operational noise is desired. The QEL option allows for the electronic unlatching of exit devices for continuous push-pull operation and/or access control and can be activated through a building automation system, access control system or by a control system operator.
35A-NL Von Duprin Rim Exit Device - 386NL Night Latch
- Brand: Von Duprin
- Product Code: 35A-NL
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